Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Exmoor and surrounds, West Somerset, UK.

When a friend who enjoys food recommends you a hotel in the middle of nowhere you know it must be decent (thanks Pilky). So, on our transit journey to our last destination in England we decided to drive by the Pig Hotel at Coombe. We decided to eat at the Folly as we hadn't organised ourselves enough to book into the main house. The Folly was a great spot to sit and enjoy both nature and things coming out of the pizza oven!
Two fabulously dry ciders!
What we would call podpłomki in Poland. Here they call them oven flat breads or something, they were great on a pretty chilly day.

The main house smoking room, well maybe not smoking room but there was smoke there from the fireplace.
The garden
Roads in Devon are pretty cool.
Newenham Abbey

Not that I am a church person but this is the cutest church in Selworthy.
Each pew had its own little cushion.
I see a little house there....
What is this at the bottom of the garden? Is is the Periwinkle tearooms?!
The English tea and milk, cute mini bottle.
You have to try some things anew, how about a Welsh Rarebit?
Devonshire tea, is it cream then jam or jam then cream?

You can't get enough of sitting and listening to the birds here.
The serenity of Exmoor National Park
Portlock Weir.
Anthropomorphism is when you see human faces in things....
The photo might not be crystal clear, but the taste of the stout in the Ship Inn at Portlock Weir was perfect.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Bits and bobs of Wawa. Warsaw, Poland.

When Autumn comes to Warsaw, it is pretty obvious. It is the end of what is commonly called the cucumber season, a time of no news, empty cities and... well... cucumbers in all their glory. On the Saturday morning I led the running club for a nice light 8.5km jog and we saw how glorious the leaves were with the weather changing. One of our runners, Judith, took some great photographs and inspired me.
The kids.
And their soon to be pickling juices.
When the weather in October is a balmy 20C you just know you must get off the couch and out into the urban wilderness. We are extremely lucky to live near beautiful parks and areas. So let's stroll. 
It's times like these I wish I had a pig....

Even though I see this place every week for WITC Functional Fitness, it normally is dusk and the colours are hidden.
Zamek is a homonym in Polish. Here we have Zamek Ujazdowski - it is not a zip, but a castle.

A weather presenter is having a baby. Let's hope the baby likes living in a world of plastic....

Colours on colours on colours.
The view down from the zip, I mean castle.
Ok, rather than talk about the amazing colours, the warmth of them, the beauty, the inspiration of it all. I'll just let you enjoy the vibrance of what I got to see around Zamek Ujazdowski.

We struck out into the built up area after the park to buy a couple of things quickly and enjoy the sun in a different way.

There is a great book about Warsaw mosaics and I am in love with them all. Sometimes ugly tiles multiplied can be beautiful, sometimes it is the patterns, sometimes it is just the workmanship. Either way it looks great.
Corners of difference.

Park Ujazdowski is always wonderful, but in autumn it is the best. Even if you have to dodge all the brides and grooms getting their photo sessions done, the girls making friends take photos for instagram or the grannies lounging on benches stretching their legs into the paths.

The area east of the park is a beautiful neighbourhood where you can find old Finnish houses in danger of being removed and opened up to developers. This would destroy one of the greenest parts of the city centre and create huge volumes of traffic, pollution and eyesore to an area that is magical most of the year.
When one's husband is too cheap and environmentally friendly to buy balloons, a leaf must suffice. 

Warsaw, what a place.... sometimes ;)