Friday, June 04, 2010

What has been happening in this hemisphere recently?

Spring is finally here, it has come to the Eastern Plains of Europe, to share all its wonder!

Over the last week, or so, there has been a huge amount of rain, and not spread over days/weeks, but mostly condensed into short burst of monsoonal style downpours. Scary if you don't live on the 5th floor, luckily we do! So these such storms didn't really change our days apart from the entertainment value of lightning and racing clouds.
We popped back to Sokolka last weekend, and it reminded me of one of the things that I truly adore about Poland. It is even evident when living in the capital, and that is meadows. Meadows of beauitful flowers are abound in Poland at this time of year and probably through till about October, or maybe if the weather holds out till November. It is amazing, I can be standing at a tram stop in the middle of the city or in the outskirting suburbs after one of my classes and stare at the bumble bees lazily bouncing from one flower to another. Through a waving sea of pinks, purples, yellows and whites. It is the same in Sokolka. Beautiful flowers everywhere, along with a million mosquitoes that you only notice in the afternoon when the sun loses its heat.

We took out a couple of old trusty bikes to have a look around the fields near Sokolka
And we certainly weren't disappointed when it came to meadows;
Flowers with sunshine in a blue sky;
And the surrounding environments.
Of course there are always plenty of dandelions popping up around the place, and I am thinking of making some beer from their roots..... but we will see. Yes, I think I am becoming Polish as they love to brew anything, normally they do it to make bimber, which is the pretty name for Polish moonshine. It can be made from literally anything. From fruit and potatoes, through to children's lollies aka candy to Americans.
Crazy cat lady or is it a Chernobyl mutant?
Oh we were right, it is just the cat lady, taking the cat out for a walk through the newly planted birch forest in Sokolka.
Yes, Spring is in full swing here in Poland. I just hope that the early inconsistencies don't have an impact on the apple crops, etc. Which is going to be important to us in August as we want to try to make a good quantity of Cider and in at least a couple of varieties of flavour. We were also thinking of makeing some preserved and dried apples too. So we will have to see how my "handy" skills go with these new challenges. The next post will tell you about the interesting beer I am making at present.

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