Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Full moon cool kids.

As you all know the river is the coolest place at the moment, this summer it has been super popular with all the kiddies. Everyone down there during the hot nights as there it always seemed to be a couple of degrees cooler, it was nice and open and you wouldn't be bothering the neighbours with your bad singing, dancing in heels or clinking of bottles saying "Na Zdrowie!"


Snakey marina entrance

Swing low sweet chariot

The party is just beginning

Salsa rocking and rolling.

Blue moon in its glory.

Riverside gym.
In relation to the Powstania memorial days the national stadium spelled out "We Remember" scrolling around it in lights. Which is pretty cool.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

WITC running group

I run therefore I am. Unless, I am injured and that is when I have to just watch others. Sad, but at least it gets me out of the house. I run with the Warsaw International Triathlon Club (WITC) two times a week when I am not a broken down hack. So while recovering I visited them doing a hills session. Here are some pics.
What is coming around the corner of my local park?
Why it is the crazy WITC gang.

Staying hydrated is important... big or small.

Staying cheeky is optional
Warm ups can be hilarious as our leader either dances under red lights or gets us to stretch effectively... never sure which.
Bryan Adams will come and sing for us too....
The response to who wants a beer after training
A photographers version of a hill activity
Running gives you some good pins too.
who loves running hills?

That hill there by the way.
Really? That one? It is so big!
I don't know, I guess I'll just do it.
And we are off.
Sucking it in after running hard.
100% of Zombies love it
focus focus focus

hey guys don't leave me!
Party time, we are done!

Peaceful now.
plus a bit of a warm down

So, if you are in the area and want to run. We meet at PKP Powiśle (the bar) at 7PM (1900) on Tuesdays and normally about 9 on Saturdays. We cover all levels on Tuesdays we have a learn to run fun group as well as the regular training groups. Log on the the website, join the facebook group and join this hugely multinational group. They are hilarious, fun and fit. A great way to spend your free time. I love it. :)