Monday, March 21, 2011

Warsaw Street Scenes

Well, the Winter is slowly flicking off its mean nature and allowing us some sunshine. It still isn't the hottest weather you have ever seen, but it allows you the chance to at least see people rather than in Winter when I tend to stay inside hugging the heater and yelling at my computer for not allowing me to leave the house, due to it continually finding me distractions in web form. So we decided to stroll about the streets and I took a few snaps just to show you all the thawing streets.
Here we have a regular winter street scene, two bears wanting to attack an old man. This, unfortunately, has been a major cause of death to senior men, attack by angry bears.
Here is another old man, who is in a much safer position as the bear is in front of him, and he has an Indiana Jones hat to help him feel more in control.
I wanted to take a series of photos of silly hats, as there are some classics here in Poland in winter. Alas, I am thinking I will need to leave that until next year. But, this one is a combination of funny hat and cool braids.
There is love everywhere in Poland, even at the Central Metro station.
This is a really attractive new building going up on the corner of Aleje Jerozolimskie and Ulica Bracka, it is called Wolf Bracka. You can read a little about it here for technical info or here (if you speak Polish), it is actually right near the Australian Embassy.
Warsaw is slowly coming alive.... defrosting if you will. It is the best time to be here.

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