Monday, July 18, 2016

Siciliy - Caltagirone and Modica.

On the road from our first few days staying at the foot of Etna, down to the world that is Caltagirone. A town famous for its pottery works and tiles. After there, we progressed to the next place to stay Modica, home of ancient chocolate recipes and crazy back alleys.

Caltagirone town hall.

Ceramics workshop

the main reason most people come, are these steps and the associated ceramics.

Even the sun is happy.

The Taking of the Bell of Altavilla to Caltagirone, polychrome maiolica mosaic
Great street art using the traditional Moor heads.

more ceramic work

Not one for the vegetarians and vegans, but one for food lovers, this is Cavallo one of the main reasons I go back to Italy. Horse meat, it is a divine pleasure. And a panini for €2 you can't go wrong.
The Giardino Publico has the great mosaic gazebo in the middle.

Moorishly out of this world.
Like a physical tetris game

The park has great avenues to stroll around

You'll even see an old friend pop up.

Then onto Modica, where our apartment had this really cool view.
I love all the terracotta roof work in Sicily.

This guy wasn't too fussed

Another non-plussed local.


Four leafed clover?

It does MATER apparently.

Just give me a street light, a gorgeous model and some sunshine and I'll make you smile.

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