Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Best B&W Photos of 2010

Hello, Dearest, Loveliest Blog Readers.

Last year I did a simple thing and asked my blog readers and Facebook friends which photos they liked most of mine. So add a comment at the bottom of the photos to let me know what you like and I will combine facebook and Blog votes to come out with an overall winner. There will be a randomly selected voter for a prize. Yes, bribing is as important in photo competition as much as it is for FIFA World Cup host selection.
1. Lumps and shadows. Warsaw, Poland.
2.Tush and Evil Thing. Sokolka, Poland.
3.Melba's Chocolate Seats. Woodside, Australia.
4.From Rubber with Love. Sokolka, Poland.
5.Fountain Pride. Warsaw, Poland.
6.Pride and Paper. Warsaw, Poland.
7.People Chess. Warsaw, Poland.
8.Nuclear Leaves. Adelaide, Australia.
9.Corner Cooking. Regenborg ,Holland.
10.Come on Everybody be Happy. Sokolka, Poland.
11.Editors do it With Letters. London, England.
12.The Onion Cometh. London, England.
13.Pimpled Toilet. London, England.
14.Reflections of Price. London, England.
15.Shadow Dancers. Warsaw, Poland.
16.This is Poland. Warsaw, Poland.
17.Haze'n'Mart. Adelaide, Australia.
18.Suck in the Sun. Ghent, Belgium
19.Lumpy Towers. Ghent, Belgium.
20.Poled up. Ghent, Belgium.
21.Ghentset. Ghent, Belgium.
22.Crusty Numbers. Ghent, Belgium.
23.Elk of the Clouds. Veurne, Belgium
24.Marta Reed. Sokolka, Poland.
25.Baling clouds. Sokolka, Poland.
26.The French Movie. Prague, Czech Republic.
27.Magical hands. Brugge, Belgium.
28. Blackthorn. Prague, Czech Republic.
29. Oz meets North. Warsaw, Poland.
30. I'm forever blowing bubbles. Beekbergen, Holland.

Happy voting.

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