Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Australia Day is Today

Today is Australia Day. Don't forget it. So there are many things that we should all think about, the things that make Australia something different:

- Kangaroos
- Emus
- The fact that both animals are on our coat of arms
- The fact we eat both animals on our coat of arms
- Australia has the 7th lowest population density
- Australia has more sheep than people
- Australia has more kangaroos than people
- Australia is about 25%
- In 1949 the first year of Australia's new citizenship levels 24% of these people were Polish
- In 2009 peoples from 175 different countries sat Australia's immigration test
- Also in 2009 India was Australia's biggest immigrant population 17% of the total
- There are roughly 60,000 first generation Polish immigrants in Australia
- 2.6% of the Australian population is considered Aboriginal
- Australia has almost 2000 wine producers
- Australia exports most to Japan
- In Australia we have, depending on who you believe, up to 8 of the top ten most poisonous creatures on earth
- Crocodies (salt water) grow on average to 5m long and about 700kg
- Great White Sharks normally grow to about 4.5m in length the biggest being 10.9m
- A female Koalas have two vaginas but is still not a bear
- Platypus's are venomous
- Garth is Australian
- Australia is cool

I think that is all. Happy Australia Day


Paddy said...

Having lived in Clapham for 3 years or so and seen various Australia Day celebrations, I'd say it's also the ability to wander rain-soaked London dressed in nothing but boxer shorts!

Gee Em said...

Absolutley, that or a bikini and thongs. Pretending that a jug of snake bite is like a meal as it contains a form of apples.

Paddy said...

Ha ha. Just like old times. Happy Australia Day!