Friday, June 08, 2012

More Spring

Some more spring associated photos, it is the strolling weather now so we have been out walking around the neighbourhood. It also helps with scouting for foraging locations as it is nearly time to pick the elderflowers for cordial and champagne this year. I have been trying to think of other ways to combine this beautifully fragrant flower into jams, syrups etc. Then the weather after being scorching went a little pear shaped for a few days, it was still warm but wet. Which meant no harvesting, then one day it cleared and off we went to my avenue of elders not far from home. We picked about 80 heads, 50 odd for the cordial I was to make and the remainders are for a tea I will try. I also want to pick some more of the later bloomers to add to pancakes.

Little elders

They get steeped in boiling water with the rinds of 3 lemons and an orange

The killing fields

keeping the peel moist in juice

The group awaiting hanging

A little big of boiling water with your peel
Then fill up your vessel with boiling water (1.5L) and let sit for 24 hours

We also harvested some rose petals for rose jam, but we only got about 10g as we feel more guilty taking these as they are less prevalent and very pretty, but smell fabulous. The jam is really easy to make just a mortar and pestle and some sugar and lemon juice grind and done. :)
Of course at this time of the year there are many wildflowers, dandelions included. Fun to see, fun to smell and fun to play with. One day I will make dandelion and burdock drink.

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